Thursday, June 14, 2012

Gran Torino Lirik

Pertama kali denger lagu ini gegara disuatu malam saya bangun jam 2 pagi. Kepala saya agak pusing karena memang lagi ga enak badan. Rencana bangun jam segitu mau belajar, tp ternyata malah pusing jadi malah nyalain tv kemudian tiduran didepan tv. Jam  3 pagi kebangun ketiduran, kepala masih berat dan TV nyala. Ada film yang baru mulai. Judulnya ntah apa. Dan filmnya keren. Diakhir acara saya baru tahu judulnya Gran Turino. Yang pengen tahu ceritanya search aja deh banyak kok reviewnya. Nah diposting ini saya emang ga mau bahas isi filmnya, tapi musik di akhir film. Judulnya sama Gran Torino, yg nyanyi dibagian awal kayaknya pemain utamanya clint eastwood yang juga sekaligus produsernya. Keren lagunya. Rasanya sedih...ya mungkin antara sedih karena lantunan iramanya yang jazzy mellow melow ( ntah apa aliranya saya buta kalau masalah musik ) dan sedih karena nggak begitu ngerti sama liriknya. Tapi walau begitu saya tetep yakin , lagu ini keren. :)

Ini dia liriknya, mungkin ada yang mau bantu ngartiin :') 
Gran Torino

[sung by clint eastwood ]
So tenderly your story is
nothing more than what you see
or what you've done or will become
standing strong do you belong
in your skin; just wondering

gentle now the tender breeze blows
whispers through my Gran Torino
whistling another tired song

engine hums and bitter dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

[sung by Jamie Cullum]
Realign all the stars above my head
Warning signs travel far
I drink instead on my own Oh! how I've known
the battle scars and worn out beds

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through a Gran Torino
whistling another tired song

engines hum and bitter dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

these streets are old they shine
with the things I've known
and breaks through the trees
their sparkling

your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind

So tenderly your story is
nothing more than what you see
or what you've done or will become
standing strong do you belong
in your skin; just wondering

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines hum and bitter dreams grow
a heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long

may I be so bold and stay
I need someone to hold
that shudders my skin
their sparkling

your world is nothing more than all the tiny things you've left behind

so realign all the stars above my head
warning signs travel far
i drink instead on my own oh how ive known
the battle scars and worn out beds

gentle now a tender breeze blows
whispers through the Gran Torino
whistling another tired song
engines hum and better dreams grow
heart locked in a Gran Torino
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long
it beats a lonely rhythm all night long


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